Saturday, September 05, 2009

Corn's in Season: Back home again in Indiana, heading for great lake waters. On the way back, on quiet state roads, comes a scene I have never seen in my long life: a tall, flat-bed corn picker moving quickly along the row by the roadside, drawn by five horses, three in back and two in front. Leading was a strong-looking no-nonsense fellow, with two little boys standing alongside, holding on to a vertical bar. There are different lives out there, some in the US minus electricity and oil, by choice. No stopping for a photo, I, perhaps respecting Amish culture.

1 comment:

Paul said...

Lucky you, back in Indiana. We saw a lot of the "In God We Trust" (Indiana) license plates in Kentucky and wished we had time to cross the border. Are you heading for great lakes or Great Lakes as in Ontario etc?